Marie-Louise Zimmermann
Finkenrain 9,  3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel. +41 31 301 40 00

Working for many years as a freelance journalist with long editorial experience, I specialize in cultural topics (mainly book-reviews), travel stories and tourism features.

I have been all over the world, writing and taking photos:

  • hiking or biking in all regions of Switzerland and many of the neighbouring countries, with a focus on cultural history, botany and ornithology;
  • using public transport in most of Europe, in Brazil, Chile, Ethiopia, Indochina,
    Indonesia, New Zealand and South Africa;
  • traveling by camper in Australia and the Northamerican West including Alaska;
  • trekking in the Pyrenees, Wales, Nepal, Ladakh and the Sahara;
  • learning the language in the US and Spain;
  • working in New York (student exchange), Costa Rica (jungle hotel), India (tree nursery) and Tansania (humanitarian project);
  • guiding study tours in London, New York, Andalucia, Cuba, Eritrea, Namibia.

Furthermore, I write or edit press releases, manuals and other sorts of texts. I act as a ghost writer, counsel in academic papers and translate from English, French or Spanish into German.